Donation Day (9/12)

We will be traveling to Concorida Theological Seminary – Ft. Wayne (CTSFW) on October 8th , 2024 to attend CTSFW’s Annual Donation Day from 8:30 –11:30 am (EST) in Kramer Chapel. Donation Day is an annual event at Concordia Seminary. Women from congregations near and far collect donations of food and clothing for the Seminary students and their families and bring them to the Seminary on Donation day every year.
There is a DISPLAY TABLE in the Narthex. Pick up a FLIER on the display table listing Clothing Co-op Needs and Food Co-op Items that are needed for the Ingathering. We will be collecting non-perishable food items and clothing items September 15th through October 6th . Women of St. Peter …. we would love to have you join us for Donation Day. Please contact Margie Wickert, Gloria Field or Cheryl Tellman by September 22nd , if you are interested in attending. The cost of lunch is $12 per person which is payable at registration.