Meet Our Staff




Rev. Daniel Speckhard



Pastor Speckhard graduated from Valparaiso University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Classics (Greek and Latin culture/literature) in 2011, and earned his M.Div at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana, graduating in 2015. He served his Vicarage at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Lincoln, Nebraska in 2013-14. His first Call into the ministry was to Faith Lutheran Church in Godfrey, Illinois, where he served as sole pastor for five years. He then accepted the Call to North Judson and was installed at St. Peter in September of 2020.
Pastor Speckhard grew up the oldest of four with his family in Valparaiso, IN. He met his wife Erika while attending Valparaiso University. They have three wonderful children (Jane, Madeline, and Thomas). In addition to faith and family, Pastor Speckhard is passionate about reading, writing, and all things related to sports. Pastor Speckhard’s favorite color is red, and his favorite Bible verse is: “For he will not much remember the days of his life because God keeps him occupied with joy in his heart.” — Ecclesiastes 5:20
Pastor Speckhard’s special school memory is: “Without question, my favorite school memory is playing football with my friends at recess — the competition, the fun, the rivalries, and the friendships that were formed during those 15-30 minute breaks in the school day have left a lasting impression upon my heart and mind.”

Rev. Garry Wickert

Contact: (812) 528-2607

Pastor Wickert joined the St. Peter staff as our Visitation Pastor Emeritus in 2021 after retiring from full-time ministry. Pastor Wickert’s time is focused on visiting many of our home-bound members.
In his free time Pastor WIckert enjoys hiking and spending time with his family. His favorite BIble verse is 1 Peter 3:15, “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,”




Miss Rhonda Reimers-Principal


Miss Reimers graduated from Concordia College in Seward, Nebraska, and then received a call to be the First Grade teacher at St. Peter. She received her Masters Degree from Purdue University, and completed coursework for her Administrator’s License through Ball State University. Miss Reimers’ favorite colors are aqua blue, lime green, and yellow. Her favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13 – “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. ‘
Miss Reimers’ special school memory is: “I remember having my picture taken with three other classmates folding the flag we received after writing to our U.S. Senator. The flag flew at the White House. We were in 4th grade and the picture was put in the local paper.”

Mrs. Joyce Malecki- Preschool




Mrs. Malecki attended Purdue University where she earned a Bachelor’s Degree for Elementary Education Grades 1 thru 6, Non-departmentalized Gr. 7 & 8, and Endorsements in Kindergarten & Reading. Mrs. Malecki and her husband have four grown children and eight grandchildren. Mrs. Malecki likes to garden, work in her kitchen, read, bike ride, and spend time with her grand kids. Her favorite color is purple. Her favorite Bible verse is, “The Lord is my Shepherd, there is nothing I shall want.” Psalm 23:1
Mrs. Malecki’s special school memory: ” I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. As a senior in high school, I cadet taught at a local elementary school in the afternoon. I loved doing that. It confirmed in my mind that I wanted to be a teacher and teach children to learn as much as possible!”

Mrs. Rochella Ludlow – Kindergarten




Mrs.Ludlow graduated from Purdue North Central and then came to teach at St. Peter. She and her husband, Chris, have been blessed with two sons. Mrs. Ludlow enjoys scrapbooking, photography, reading, and spending time with her family. Her favorite color is orange. Her two favorite Bible verses are Jeremiah 29:11 –“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” and Philippians 4:6 — “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
Mrs. Ludlow’s special school memory: “Winning 3rdplace in the Spelling Bee when I was in 2nd grade.”

Mrs. Julie Heise – First Grade


Mrs. Heise graduated from Purdue North Central in 2010. She is married with four children. Mrs. Heise’s favorite color is pink.
She enjoys reading and spending time with her kids (we like to walk and swim). Mrs. Heise’s favorite Bible verse: Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Mrs. Heise’s special school memory: singing in the Christmas programs in grade school.

Mrs. Stormi Surma – Second Grade




Mrs. Surma attended college at the University of Indianapolis she graduated in May of 2019 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Elementary Education and an endorsement in Mild Interventions. Mrs. Surma enjoys spending time with her husband, Martin, and her son, Harvey. A few hobbies that Mrs. Surma enjoys include: reading, swimming, and singing. Her favorite color is orange! Mrs. Surma’s favorite bible verse is Isaiah 41:10, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Mrs. Surma’s special school memory: “A special school memory that I can recall from when I was in school was attending a field trip in the 2nd grade. My class went to the aquarium and each of us was assigned to make a poster about an exhibit and include pictures to go along with the report. I chose to make a poster about Dolphins and got to include a picture of my second grade self petting a dolphin– that is a memory that I will never forget!”

Mrs. Becca Wenzler – Third Grade




Mrs. Wenzler graduated from Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education. She began teaching at St. Peter in 2014 and is also in charge of the library. She and her husband Matt have five children. Mrs. Wenzler enjoys walking, watching movies, reading, spending time with family and friends. Mrs. Wenzler’s favorite color is pink and her favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Mrs. Wenzler’s special school memory: “My fourth grade teacher was teaching us about making good predictions. He had us predict when we thought the first snow would be that year based on the weather patterns we had been observing. It snowed on the day I had predicted. As a reward, my teacher took me to McDonalds for lunch.

Mrs. Vera Gillum – Fourth Grade


Mrs. Gillum attended Ball State University and received her Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education. She has a Kindergarten endorsement. She enjoys spending time with her family and her two dogs, hiking, kayaking, camping, and singing. She is married to her husband, Vernon, and they have two children named Garren and Myriah. Garren lives in Buffalo, New York and he is a mental health counselor. Myriah lives in Indianapolis and she has a biology degree. They have two dogs named Libby and Parker. Mr. & Mrs. Gillum live at Tippecanoe River State Park and have lived at several state parks within the state of Indiana. Her favorite color is blue. Mrs. Gillum’s favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 3: 5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Mrs. Gillum’s special school memory is: “I love music, so for me my special school memory was being in the high school fall musicals, Band, marching band competitions, and in Orchestra. I enjoyed every minute of it!”

Mrs. Lauren Tunis – Fifth Grade


Mrs. Tunis graduated from The University of Indianapolis in 2014 with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and endorsements in Mild Interventions and Reading. Mrs. Tunis and her husband Dalton have two beautiful girls. She enjoys going for walks with my daughters and meeting friends for coffee. Mrs. Tunis’ favorite color is green. Her favorite Bible verse is  Ephesians 2:10 “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
Mrs. Tunis’ special school memory is: “Attending Field Day in Bremen with other Lutheran schools. We would get to practice different events leading up to the day, and then we could earn ribbons based on our performance in the events. We were able to spend time with friends and enjoy a picnic lunch at the track. It was always such a fun day!”

Mr. Caden Benson – Sixth Grade


Mr. Benson graduated from Manchester University in 2023 with a Bachelor of Science in Sports Management. He is currently pursuing a Transition to Teaching license. His favorite hobbies include playing basketball and watching a wide variety of sports. Mr. Benson’s favorite color is navy blue. His favorite bible verse is Joshua 1:9 – “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be
with you wherever you go.”
Mr. Benson’s favorite school memory is: My favorite movie growing up was “Hoosiers” and then in high school, our basketball team was invited to play in the same gym where the movie was

Mrs. Annette Skibbe – Seventh Grade


Mrs. Skibbe attended Concordia College in Ann Arbor, Michigan for her undergraduate work and Purdue North Central to complete her Master’s Degree. She has been teaching at St. Peter since 1991. She also coordinates the technology program at St. Peter. She and her husband, James, are the Youth Leaders for the congregation. They have a daughter, Kimberlyn, who recently got married and is working as a physical therapist. Her family has hosted four foreign exchange students, one from China, Germany, Norway and Australia. She enjoys gardening, reading, and bike riding. Her favorite color is blue. She said her favorite Bible verse is Romans 8:28 – “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
Mrs. Skibbe’s Special School Memory: “Winning the spelling bee in first grade and then stopping at the store with my teacher to buy ice cream for the rest of the class.”

Miss Noelle Heise – Eighth Grade


Miss Heise went to Indiana University in Bloomington. She has a Bachelor of science in math education. Her mom is Mrs. Heise and she teaches first grade here at St. Peter. She’s very close with her brother, Austin, and they are always going on fun adventures together. Miss Heise likes to read and play the ukulele. She also likes to play the Pokemon card game, video games, and playing board games with friends. She always love trying new places to eat. Her favorite foods are Tom Kha Gai and Pho. Miss Heise’s favorite color is aqua. “Her favorite Bible verse always changes based on what she needs spiritually. One that she always keeps at the front of her mind is Philippians 1:6 “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
Miss Heise’s special school memory: “I just always remember being with my best friends in almost every class. We would always do projects together. We had to film some videos together and they were always so funny. We would love coming up with ideas together and we would laugh so much. It didn’t seem like homework because we were having so much fun.”


Mrs. Amanda Ness – Music and P.E.


Mrs. Ness received her Bachelor’s Degree from Ball State University. Mrs. Ness has been teaching at St. Peter since 2009. In addition to teaching music class Mrs. Ness leads the choir, directs the annual Christmas Service, and the Spring Special (Fine Arts Fair / World Fair / Musical). Mrs. Ness and her husband have two school age children that they enjoy spending time with. She enjoys all sorts of crafts and reading. Her favorite color is teal. Mrs. Ness’ favorite Bible verse: Psalm 96:1 “Sing a new Song to the Lord, Sing to the Lord all the world!”
Mrs. Ness’ special school memory: My first solo performance was in 1st grade and I was costumed in a big, wrapped box and sang “Good Things Come In Little Packages” for our Christmas Program.

Mrs. Ashley Sievers
Art Director & Paraprofessional


Mrs. Sievers teaches our Art classes and works with our Third Grade class.
Mrs. Sievers and her husband Brad have four children, three dogs, 2 barn cats, and their daughter has a horse. Mrs. Sievers enjoys spending time with her family and traveling. She also loves creating Art with the kids at St. Peter. She loves playing games, having campfires, bike riding, and she loves all holidays. Mrs. Sievers favorite color is green. Her favorite Bible verse is Hebrews 11:1, “Faith is the substance of all things hoped for, it’s the evidence of things unseen!”
Mrs. Sievers’ special school memory is, “I really enjoyed playing house in Kindergarten.”


Mrs. Raque Konja – School Social Worker



Mrs. Konja graduated with her bachelor’s degree in social work in 2019 from Indiana University Northwest followed by her master’s degree in social work in 2021. She is married to her best friend and has a mini farm in Culver, IN.  A few hobbies Mrs. Konja enjoys include reading, kayaking, baking, spending time with her animals, and spending time with family. Her favorite colors are blue and purple.

Mrs. Konja’s favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:6, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

Mrs. Konja’s special school memory is, “In first grade, the class got to hatch baby chicks from eggs and learn all about the lifecycle of a chick from birth to adult. We also got to do a daily observation and predict what we thought was going to happen. When the baby chicks hatched, we got to hold and pet the baby chicks.” 


Mrs. Keelia Young


Mrs. Young works with our Kindergarten, fourth, and fifth grade classes.
Mrs. Young is a wife and mother of two boys. Mrs. Young enjoys traveling with her family, swimming, drawing and painting, reading, riding 4-wheelers, legos, crafting, and spending time with her family. Her favorite color is green. Mrs. Young’s favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:6, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
Mrs. Young’s special school memory is, “My favorite part of school was always the field trips. In third grade all the third graders from or area got to go to the Mizpah Shrine Circus together. It was a very long day but I made so many great memories that day!

Miss Jennifer Enger



Miss Enger works with our second and third grade classes.

Miss Enger has been a part of the LCMS her entire life. She is currently finishing her degree in Lutheran Elementary Education through Concordia University Wisconsin and hopes to student teach here at St. Peter next year. She has a cat named Flynn after Flynn Ryder from Tangled, her favorite Disney movie. Her birthday is on April Fools Day! She loves to read, craft, and travel. Miss Enger also loves to sing. God gave her a beautiful voice and she loves to use it to praise His name! She also hopes to use music in her classroom someday. Miss Enger’s favorite color is green- like a June summer’s day. Her favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare[a] and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”


Miss Enger’s special school memory is: “I was lucky enough to have the same teacher in two grades! A special school memory is helping that teacher all the time after school in 2nd and 4th grades. Those memories I share with her and forming a bond is what made me want to be a teacher in the first place. I want that with my students someday. I do also believe it stemmed from my love for stationary.


Mrs. Savanah Simpson




Mrs. Simpson works with our first and fifth grade classes.
Mrs. Simpson and her husband, Danny, have three daughters and a son. They love spending time together. She enjoys crafting and crocheting when she has time. Savanah’s favorite color is purple. Her favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.”


Mrs. Simpson’s special school memory is: “I loved using the dark room in high school to develop my photos.”


Mrs. Amber Berg

Daycare Supervisor

Mrs. Berg leads the team that oversees the children in our staff daycare. 
Mrs. Berg and her husband have two children. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends, swimming, gardening, and playing cards. Her favorite color is green. Mrs. Berg’s favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:4-7, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Mrs. Berg’s special school memory is, “My grandma worked in the cafeteria at the elementary school and on nice days she would walk to work. I remember being out at recess and my friends and I would wait for her to walk across the filed so we could say “hi”.”

Administrative & Support Staff


Ms. Cheryl Tellman

Church Administrative Assistant

Contact: church@stpeternorthjudson.or

Cheryl has served as our Church Administrative Assistant since 2012. She assists our Pastor, and congregation in general, by handling various office duties including the preparation of worship materials and maintaining the membership database and official records. Prior to joining our staff Cheryl has volunteered as a Sunday School teacher and on the Board of Evangelism. She continues to be involved with LWML and Artisans and participates in choir and handbells.
Cheryl is single and has no children. Her closest relatives are her mom and sister who live in Columbus, Indiana. She enjoys reading, NASCAR and the Indianapolis Colts. Cheryl’s favorite color is red. Her favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will make straight your paths.”
Cheryl’s favorite school memory is of her first grade teacher who introduced her to LWML and of learning the Bible story about the 10 plagues while in her class. It was exciting to learn about one plague each day for two weeks.

Mrs. Kathy Lambert

School Administrative Assistant



Mrs. Lambert is our school Administrative Assistant. She supports our Principal by helping with administrative tasks and keeps our school running smoothly. Before taking this position, in 2008, she was a Paraprofessional.
Mrs. Lambert enjoys spending time with her family, cooking and baking, gardening, and reading. Her favorite color is blue. Mrs. Lambert doesn’t have one favorite Bible verse; she likes to find passages that pertain to what she has going on in her life at that moment.


Mrs. Lambert’s special school memory is, “I was part of an art class my Senior year of high school that painted a mural in the teacher’s lounge.”


Mrs. Jennifer Korous

Director of Finance


Jennifer serves as our Director of Finance. She works directly with our church and school leadership in the operating and capital budgeting processes, human resource & employment benefits, and the day to day financial operations of the church and school. Before joining our staff in 2022 Jennifer was the congregational treasurer for the past 5 years and has volunteered on various boards and committees over the past twenty-five years. Jennifer has a bachelor’s degree in Business and Accounting from Indiana University and a master’s degree in Accounting and Financial Management from Keller Graduate School of Management.
Jennifer enjoys spending time with her husband Mike and children, Hannah & Levi. Her hobbies include reading, yard work, and shopping. Jennifer’s favorite color is lavender. Jennifer’s favorite Bible verse is found in Isaiah 41:10. Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
One of Jennifer’s special school memories would be from high school. My accounting teacher in high school went to the school board to request special permission in order to teach me advanced accounting and business classes that the school was not offering while she was teaching her regular classes. I had this teacher for four of my seven classes my senior year. Her sacrifice to my education will be something I will not forget.

Mrs. Robyn Lambert

Director of Admissions & Assimilation


Robyn serves as our Director of Admissions & Assimilation. She assists our Principal and Administrative Assistant in welcoming new students as well as overseeing our online presence and helping our families know that our congregation cares about them. Before joining our staff in 2022 Robyn volunteered as part of our Outreach Team managing our website and Facebook page. She and her husband also volunteered as the high school youth group leaders for seven years. Robyn graduated from Purdue University with a bachelor’s degree in Communication.
Robyn and her husband Chris have three children. In addition to spending time with her family Robyn enjoys traveling, scrapbooking and reading. Robyn’s favorite color is teal. Her favorite Bible verse is Ephesians 2:10 “For we are Christ’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works.”
Robyn’s special school memory is: I can’t really narrow it down to one specific memory, but starting a new school for high school felt difficult at the time, but God had a plan. I met a great group of lifelong friends who welcomed me into their circle. We had so much fun during those four years and beyond. We still make time to get together every year and catch up.

Mr. Bryan Ness



Mr. Jim Skibbe- Custodian


Mr. Skibbe has served our church and school in a wide variety of ways over the years. He and Mrs. Skibbe have been Youth Leaders for over 30 years and he is currently the Board of Lay Ministry’s Chairman. He has also served for many years as the school’s Athletic Director and has also coached basketball. He recently took over the Custodian position after retiring from his first career.
Jim and his wife (our Seventh Grade teacher) actually share a birthday! They have a daughter and son-in-law and a grandson that they enjoy spending time with.
Mr. Skibbe loves sports, especially the South Bend Cubs, Chicago Cubs, Hoosier Basketball, and Notre Dame Football. He collects sports cards as well. He also loves to garden and work in the yard. He also enjoys being in the kitchen. His favorite color is red. Mr. Skibbe’s favorite Bible verse is Colossians 3:23-24, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”
Mrs. SKibbe’s special school memory is: “I remember so many teachers that shared God’s love with me and taught my classmates and me. Playing basketball starting in third grade I learned to love the game and the competition.