Our Preschool and Pre-K curriculums provide guidance toward developmentally appropriate expectations for our young learners. Early learning experiences in Preschool and Pre-K will help the children to become ready for Kindergarten and provide a foundation for their success. It is our hope that our students will develop a love of learning that will keep them engaged through their years of education and beyond.
Preschool Details
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday
- 11:15am-2:15pm
- Three years old
Pre-K Details
- Monday through Friday
- 7:45-10:45am
- Four and Five years old
Paths to Quality
We are have reached Level 3 in the Paths to Quality program.
Paths to Quality is a program to ensure safety and academic quality in the classroom and school through the Family and Social Services Administration of the State of Indiana.

Our Preschool program provides children with developmentally appropriate activities. Early learning experiences will help children develop a strong foundation for success.
Preschool Activities
- Calendar Time
- Story Time
- Math skills
- Alphabet skills
- Show-n-Tell
- Sensory exploration
- Crafts
- Guided and free play
- Theme based activities
- PE
- Music
- Religion
- Interest Area Centers include: Reading, Math, Writing, Art, Blocks, Dramatic Play, Music/Movement, Nature/Science, Sensory Play, and Motor/Manipulatives
Our Pre-K students enjoy a broad curriculum including:
- Circle time: calendar, math skills, reading, show-n-tell, music
- Centers include 10 interest areas including: Reading, Writing, Art Blocks, Dramatic Play, Math/Numbers, Music/Movement, Nature
& Science, Sensory Play, Small Motor/Manipulatives - Theme of the Week centered around the Alphabet
- Library
- Religion time
- Snack
- Academic time and play exploration
- Fine motor skills & Gross motor skills development
- Field Trips and more
Through their time at St. Peter our Preschool and Pre-K students gain knowledge and develop a variety of skills including:
- Christian values
- Love of learning
- Confidence
- Motor skills
- Academic foundations including English/Language Arts,
- Math, Science, and Social Studies
- Student Well-being
- Vocabulary development
- Communication skills
- Approaches to Play and Learning
- Creative Arts
- Physical Health & Growth

Enrollment Requirements
Our Preschool students need to be 3 by August 1.
Our Pre-K students need to be 4 years old by August 1.
You can contact the school office at 574-896-5933 to learn more about our Pre-K program.
Our Preschool & Pre-K Teacher
Mrs. Malecki has over four decades of teaching experience. She has a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Elementary Education with an endorsement in Kindergarten and Reading. She has taught Pre-K for 9 years and kindergarten for over 20 years, along with Title 1 Reading, 4th grade, and Middle school. Mrs. Malecki definitely has a love for teaching and loves to see children develop and succeed academically and socially.