We would love to have a conversation with you about what our school can offer your family.
You can afford a Christian, private education, with high academic standards for your child.
Applying for a scholarship is as easy as 1,2,3.

State of Indiana website.

It is our belief that every child should have the opportunity to receive a Christ-centered education that will support them as they make their next steps in life.
The three scholarship options we offer can make it a reality for your family.
Please call the school office at 574-896-5933 or email us at admissions@stpeternorthjudson.org
Frequently Asked Questions
Does my family have to be members at your church in order for my child to attend your school?
No. We welcome students in our community into our school regardless of whether they are members of our church or not. School families are always welcome to join us for church.
What is important at St. Peter Lutheran School?
St. Peter prides itself on being a school that teaches Christian values, has high academic standards, and provides a nurturing environment where students can thrive.
What is the teacher to student ratio?
Our average teacher to student ratio is approximately 1:13. We also have four Paraprofessionals that assist our teaching staff allowing for additional one-on-one interactions.
How do students rank on standardized testing?
Most students rank above average in all areas on standardized testing.
How do students do academically in high school after attending St. Peter Lutheran School?
90%-100% of our graduates are on the honor roll in high school.
What types of technology do you have?
All of our students in Kindergarten through 8th grade have their own computer to use at school. We use Google Classroom for various assignments and e-learning days. All classrooms are equipped with projectors for digital class wide learning opportunities.
Is the daily curriculum different than that of the public school?
The daily curriculum is very similar to the public school. The daily curriculum focuses on the Indiana Academic Standards. The Christian faith is integrated into the daily instruction of each classroom. Subjects taught at all grade levels include Math, Reading, Spelling, English, Handwriting, Science, Social Studies, Religion, Memory Work, Music, Art, and Physical Education. Phonics is also taught in Kindergarten through Grade 4. Pre-Algebra and Algebra are taught in 7th & 8th grade.
Do you have “specials”?
We offer music, library, physical education, and art class.
How is religion class handled for non-Lutherans?
We teach religion classes from the Lutheran perspective, encouraging those of different faiths to compare their religion to ours.
Chapel is an interactive student friendly worship service designed to provide an opportunity for our student body to gather together in worship. This generally occurs on Wednesday mornings at 8:15. Pastor and faculty members take turns leading the service, often integrating student involvement. Guest speakers also join us for chapel from time to time. All are invited to join us for chapel each week.
Each year our students perform a Christmas service and either a Science Fair, Musical, Social Studies Fair, or Fine Arts Fair which are on a four year cycle. We also offer the opportunity to participate in academic bowl competitions, Spell Bowl, and Math Bowl. Students can also be involved in Student Council and basketball.
.What kind of parent organization do you have?
Our PTL (Parent Teacher League) is an active group of parents that supports the school in a variety of ways including helping with the purchase of playground equipment, hosting events like book fairs, and holding an annual teacher appreciation week. They also hold an annual Pork Chop Dinner fundraiser.
Do you interact with the public school?
North Judson San-Pierre Schools provides bus transportation for our students, hot lunches, Band class, speech therapy services, and Title 1 services.
Where can I learn more about the “voucher” program?
St. Peter accepts “vouchers” through the Indiana Choice Scholarship Program through the State of Indiana. These scholarships provide assistance with tuition expenses. You can learn more by visiting http://doe.in.gov/choice or by calling our office at 574-896-5933.
Do you offer any other tuition assistance programs?
Yes, nearly every student who attends St. Peter receives some form of tuition assistance. We never want finances to be a barrier for a student to part of our St. Peter family. *
Will enrollment ever be capped?
As long as we have space to house classes we will not cap our enrollment.